My three favorite words are “Effort”, “Honor” and “Foundation”. A life built upon these words can only be a positive one. Add to this “Hope”, “Gratefulness”, “Love”, “Grace” and “Courage” and our lives not only are positive but inspiring to those around us.
In life we can choose to be the flame or the mirror that reflects the flame, both are important and both take effort. Be mindful of our choices. To be positive is a choice just as much as being pessimistic is a choice. Choose to be positive and practice it and it will become second nature.
Those around us that are negative are choosing to be. They will have many accuses but the bottom line remains the same, this is their choice. They would rather see the glass half empty than half full, because seeing it half full takes effort. Pray for them and aim your smiles at them for they need it the most.
With a strong foundation we can build anything on top of it. Over time things may “Fall off” but the foundation will be there waiting for you to rebuild. This is as true in a yoga practice as it is in life. Take your time and build from the earth up and reach for the stars!
Honor what does it mean? According to “Webster” it means: “A person of superior standing; A keen sense of ethical conduct; To live up to or fulfill the terms of commitment.” Add to this, keep your promises! Honor is also enjoying our “Rights” and always balancing it with “Responsibility”. Too many people want all sorts of rights but neglect their responsibility.
Always forgive. With forgiveness remember to forget after learning from the situation. To do this takes the rest of my favorite words courage, grace, love, gratefulness and hope!
Choose to enjoy the rest of the day!
In life we can choose to be the flame or the mirror that reflects the flame, both are important and both take effort. Be mindful of our choices. To be positive is a choice just as much as being pessimistic is a choice. Choose to be positive and practice it and it will become second nature.
Those around us that are negative are choosing to be. They will have many accuses but the bottom line remains the same, this is their choice. They would rather see the glass half empty than half full, because seeing it half full takes effort. Pray for them and aim your smiles at them for they need it the most.
With a strong foundation we can build anything on top of it. Over time things may “Fall off” but the foundation will be there waiting for you to rebuild. This is as true in a yoga practice as it is in life. Take your time and build from the earth up and reach for the stars!
Honor what does it mean? According to “Webster” it means: “A person of superior standing; A keen sense of ethical conduct; To live up to or fulfill the terms of commitment.” Add to this, keep your promises! Honor is also enjoying our “Rights” and always balancing it with “Responsibility”. Too many people want all sorts of rights but neglect their responsibility.
Always forgive. With forgiveness remember to forget after learning from the situation. To do this takes the rest of my favorite words courage, grace, love, gratefulness and hope!
Choose to enjoy the rest of the day!