This passage is from the book "Quantum Wellness Cleanse" by Kathy Freston a book I highly recommend. I am in the middle of this cleanse and found it hard at first, however I am loving the cleanse now. I feel better, more alert and am developing a heightened sense of awareness! Thank you Chris for recommending this book and doing the cleanse with me!
"Remember the importance of little things - remember how you feel when someone cuts you off in line, or drives aggressively or behaves rudely to you. And remember how you feel when you encounter someone who is light and caring, who does you a small favor. Remember the ripple effects of your behavior, both positive and negative. We can be lights to others, with very little effort and the practical positive effects can be far beyond anything that is obvious to us."
"Remember also that if something is not going to matter to you in 30 minutes, it shouldn't matter to you now. Will you even recall the person who didn't say please or thank you an hour from now? Don't allow small things to bring out any unkindness in you."
"Throughout the day, in every decision you make, ask yourself what your highest Self would do. If you were already completely enlightened, how would you handle things? How would you respond? What energy would you extend? And then act as if you were that person."