In February we will have three new Programs/events planned to get you all excited for yoga!
1. Family Yoga - Family Yoga is a half hour class offered on Friday mornings at 11:00am to 11:30am and Saturday mornings at 11:00am to 11:30am. The class invites families of all ages to practice together. It is a fun filled half hour with giggles and of course the occasional animal sounds. The price is $60 for 4 classes per family. Sign up at Inspire Yoga - space is limited.
2. Pose Break Down - Pose Break Down is a wonderful opportunity to grow your practice. We will be teaching purpose of pose, correct alignment and how to create your own home practice. This two class series meets on Saturdays February 5th and 12th from 12:00pm to 2:00pm. The price is $75 for the series. Sign up at Inspire Yoga - space is limited.
3. Mother & Daughter Friday Night Yoga and Tea! We have had lots of requests for a mother/daughter night of yoga so here it is!!! Friday February 11th 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Price is $25.00 for both mother and daughter. Hot tea will be served after the class. Sign up at Inspire Yoga - space is limited.
Looking forward to seeing you all at Inspire Yoga - Yoga with heart!