Thursday, September 18, 2008

My First Posting - Welcome!

Welcome to my blog! This is very exciting for me since I always wanted to create a blog to stay in touch with family, friends, my yoga students and customers. This blog will report the happenings in my life both personal and professional. My hope is while sharing my thoughts and art with you all, you will feel free to respond and we’ll create a network of friends interested in the same things.

Let me start by saying today is beautiful. The sun is shining here in upstate New York and the temp. is 64 degrees. Talk about a perfect day. I started it out by getting the kids on the bus, and walking Charlie. Then I went downtown to the Public Market - my favorite thing to do on Thursday mornings. At the Public Market not only do I get my fresh fruits, vegetables, breads and coffee but inspiration to boot by the sights and sounds. The color today was bright red, red sweet peppers, tomatoes and mums. The tomatoes looks so amazing I purchased 10 pounds so I could make my famous (to my family) tomato sauce laced with fresh basil puree! Talk about inspiration!

Once home I decided that before I start creating my sauce (which is used for pasta, pizza and soup), I would create my blog since it has been a goal of mine. I am still learning so please be patient with me. Soon I will be adding links to favorite blog sites, my etsy site and other sites I believe have value.

This evening my friends and I will be reviewing the book – “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch, which I thought was fabulous! Reading chapter 11 Page 51 really helped me recognize that if something doesn’t go your way right a way step back and examine how badly do you really want it. “The brick walls are there for a reason. They’re not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.” For me this spoke volumes to me professionally as I have been searching for boutiques to sell my jewelry nation wide and realizing “all is coming with patience and perseverance.”

I will write at least once a week and perhaps more to start out with so I can get the feeling and knowledge of blogging. I look forward to hearing from you. Please pass this blog address a long to anyone you believe needs a little sunshine in their lives!


Lauren said...

Joan - I love it - you are such a special friend! You are AMAZING!

Lauren said...

Hi Joan - Enjoy your trip - I love your blog! I am looking forward to having you create a Christmas ornament for me. God has blessed you with an amazing talent!