Monday, July 6, 2009

Well here I go again

Well here I go again! Today I start my training for my second triathlon. My friend Marcela asked if I would do it with her the day after we finished our first one. I was on such a high I said "Yes!"

Over the past three weeks I waivered a little bit while I have been healing a torn calf muscle, but I am thrilled to try again. My goal is the same - finish standing up! This triathlon will differ from the first since the swimming portion will be in open water not a pool. I figure I got to try that way too. This triathlon is called the "Finger Lakes Triathlon" held on September 20th (burr - I better get a wet suit) in Canandaigua.

This time around Marcela and I have added to our "Team". We now get the pleasure of training with 4 additional women who all have the same goal - finish standing up! I know we will have a wonderful time as we work hard. "Anything worth while is hard work!" I believe this to the core.

Tonight we start our swimming lessons to prepare us for the half mile swim. Once our endurance is up again we will start training in the lake. What an adventure. Keep sending positive thoughts our way and if you live in the area and what to train with us let us know!

Have a wonderful evening.


Poppy said...

I am sending positive thoughts your way, there is no way I could do it, but good luck too you all.

Thank you for your lovely comment-love Lou xxx

aliceinparis said...

I'll be rooting for you~!
Happy training:)