Sunday, February 28, 2010

Onto Week Two

Today starts week two of the "40 Days to a Personal Revolution." My practice is now 30 minutes and my meditation is now 10 minutes. I started this morning with the meditation and I have to be honest it was harder than the 5 minutes was. I found my mind wandering constantly and found my mind full of "Chatter" that I wasn't able to quiet this morning. I was getting frustrated but then I reconnected with my breath and calmed down. Very interesting to say the least.

Next, with my hot cup of coffee in hand, I read "Week Two" in the "40 Days to Personal Revolution" book by Baron Baptiste. The mediation section for this week made sense to me after I experienced all the chatter earlier. This week I am to just listen and "label" the constant chatter. For me my labels will say things like... "Mommy's laundry list of things to do" or "Must not Forget..." or "I wish I said this way back then..." This observation of the chatter will help me to recognize patterns that I need to let go of.

In week two I will be balancing my diet even more. The first week I discovered what my body needs and learned about foods, foods that cleanse the body; foods that build the body; I learned what are foods that are more heating and foods that are more cooling. With this knowledge I am beginning to understand how to recognize what my body needs and balance it accordingly. Week two the focus is on fresh food. Incorporating fresh fruits, vegetable, lean meat, fish and whole grains and preparing them simply. I love to cook and eat this way already so I will be challenging myself on avoiding any and all foods that come in a package with the exception of my morning oatmeal and yogurt. This should be interesting! I will avoid orange juice from a package and try my hand at fresh squeezed juices. Maybe I will make homemade pasta with the pasta press my brother-in-law gave me years ago that I still have yet to use. Needless to say it will be an adventure.

Here is the list of poses that I did this morning that I was able to fit within the half hour. They are as follows: Child's pose; Downward facing dog; Rag doll; Sun salute A; Sun salute B; Warrior 2; Triangle; Side plank; Crescent lunge; Twisting chair; Bridge pose; Wheel; Boat pose; Supine twist; Dead bug; Corpse pose. I also did handstand with my husband's help.Each pose was held for 5-10 breaths.

Last on my list for this week are the excavation questions. I found them very thought provoking. Here are the three that I am still pondering. 1. What is my most meaningful creation in life? 2. What is my most courageous act? 3. Whom do I resent and how is that affecting me? I jotted down my ideas but will continue to work on them throughout the week. Great food for thought!!!!

Here's to the next 7 days of self discovery!

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