Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bump in the Road

I was just reminded of something that I needed to remember. First that we do live in a beautiful universe and there are bumps in the road.

This past weekend I hit a bump in the road. I became aware that people aren't always what they seem. This is a hard lesson for me since I tend to trust everyone. It is a gift I give freely. I give trust rather than making people earn it over time. Have I been burned in the past, yes, did I get burned again, yes. What will I do about it? Learn. What have I learned? That people's character, no matter what they say, will show through eventually in their actions; that being a bit guarded is sometimes necessary; that karma is full circle; that true friends will always have your back; and that life is still good!!!!!!

This “bump in the road” also taught me that I have great ideas!!!

This “bump in the road” has continued to enrich my love and relationship with my husband - who can see people's true character better than I - and has helps me put things in perspective.

This “bump in the road” has brought me to tears and I felt cleansed afterward. I released my sadness and am moveing on lighter.

This “bump in the road” gave me clarity.

I could go on and on about how this “bump in the road” has effected my life positively but it all comes down to this, it was put there by God to help me slow down, observe others and their motives, and for this I am grateful.

Let me leave you with a smile and these two quotes:
1. "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it then change how you think about it."
2. "Takers may eat better, but givers sleep better."

1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh my goodness Joan . . . I have been meaning to post a "lessons learned" post for this very same agonizing issue - I'm thinking I will write about it and then have a link to this wonderful post since you explained yourself and your feelings so well.

I too, trust others so easily and have the notion that we all are looking out for one another's best interest. Now after sad experience, I've learned that not all "friends" are watching your back and love you the same way you love them. Oh well, "bumps in the road" and lessons learned, right?