Lazy Days of Summer – I am still waiting for them to hit. Life has been very busy around here. I thought that once baseball season came to a close at the beginning of August our “Lazy Days of Summer” would start, but no such deal. Timmy had basketball camp with his cousin Gabriel and Nick got himself into a pick-up basketball league at the same time. Once that was all over I thought here come our “Lazy Days of Summer” but again no such deal. I am still the glorified taxi driver – and I might add they don’t tip very well!!!! Ha! Ha!
The past couple of weeks we went to the “Purple Monkey” in Weedsport for antiquing, Mackenzie-Childs just because, on the Colonel Belle a boat on the canal for my husband’s 25th high school reunion and spent time at the urgent care unit for Timmy to get his foot x-rayed after dropping an oversized skate board on it. Thank God he didn’t break his foot but the little guy will be loosing a bunch of toenails in the near future.
In addition to all this we had friends from Chile over, I am restarting my training of the September Triathlon (I had a walking pneumonia), teaching lots of yoga as usual and working diligently on my artwork for my September show.
Well that has been life up ‘til now, I will keep you posted on other fun things going on. Have a wonderful day and remember, “Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and leave the rest to God!”