Wow lots has happened over the last two weeks. For starters I taught religion school for 5th graders at our church St. Joseph's in Penfield. At times it truly was a practice in patience but all in all I loved it! I was whipped everyday I came home, so I let the laundry pile up and took an hour nap on most days. That helped refresh me so I could do the lesson plans for the next day, get the kids where they needed to go and to teach more yoga. Each day we would get there at 8:15am to set up and the kids would get there at 8:45and leave at 12:00. By the time we cleaned up and headed home it was generally 12:30. Note I teach yoga at 6am and am usually up by 5am! Nick was my helper which was wonderful and my son Timmy said it was the best religion school ever. Hearing those words made all the work and effort worth it - and I would do it all over again for him.
Speaking of Timmy he turned 10 last week - it doesn't seem possible. He was thrilled as everyone came over to celebrate. We had 27 for dinner that evening!!!! Mike and I gave him a tent which he was thrilled to receive! We were suppose to have a camp out over on Saturday but the heavens opened up and it poured all day and we were not able to get the tent up. Timmy took it all in stride and we went out to an awesome Mexican restaurant called "The Blue Cactus"!!! When we got home we gave Timmy his last present which was a scrape book I made for him of his first decade - he said it was the best present - wow I am on a roll - Timmy is good for the ego! Ha Ha!!!
Now onto Monday - which I love Mondays, they are like mornings when everything is possible and fresh! This week we hope to hear some great news about something we have been working towards - so please pass your prayers and positive thoughts this way! When it is a go I will tell you all about it! Meanwhile I have lots of laundry to catch up on along with grocery shopping so you know what I am up to now!!!
Make it a positive and peaceful week!
1 comment: quickly they baby will be turning 12 in october...where did all the time go...including summer! so hard to believe we will be returning to the school schedule very soon...
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