Monday, September 27, 2010

Change is in the Air Here in Penfield

Wow - I love Mondays!!! I just wanted to announce that I am now the proud owner of "Inspire Yoga - yoga with heart" a new yoga studio getting ready to open its door on November 6st, 2010!!!! The lease has been signed, the LLC in place and construction - remodeling is under way as we speak.

The "before" photos are coming. Lots of cool changes are in store for this old deli. I will be posting regularly.

I wanted to thank all those who believe in me and what I am doing - you are the wind in my sails!!!! And I wanted to thank my husband for all his love, kindness, support and believing that I can do it!!! Michael you are priceless to me and always have been. And to my kids who think this is just "Cool" you two rock!!!!

Stay tuned for all the neat happenings as we create "Inspire Yoga - yoga with heart".

1 comment:

Mickey (Michel) Johnson said...

joan...i am soooooo happy for you. this is perfect for you! you have such a passion to be the best that you can be and i know this will give you the opportunity to help others in their journey's too! i can't wait to watch your vision unfold!!! xoxo