Wow what a ride 2010 has been. No complaints that is for sure. So much has happened since January and I am blessed to have had such a wonderful year.
I have learned a tremendous amount about myself and people and feel the better for those lessons. Some of the lessons were major highs and a few major lows but all in all they balance themselves out.
Highlights of my year are simple things like watching my boys play their favorite sport, helping in school, hanging out with friends, vacationing with family - bummer about the hurricane, but that is life. Fall camping trip, Cooperstown, Howe Caverns, welcoming new family members - Noah and the list goes on and on!
Baron Baptiste's bootcamp was a major high that I feel I am still riding with the opening of my own studio! "Love what you do and do what you love and you will never work a day in your life!" How true these words are to me - and I am so thankful.
This year I have become more grateful. Everyday "cultivating that attitude of gratitude." It is effort but worth it!
What I am truly grateful for? Health, faith, family and friends.
What will 2011 bring? Who knows but I am ready. Maybe I'll do another triathlon, more bootcamp. Change and growth will happen that is for sure, and that is a good thing.
As I say good bye to the old and get ready for the new one thing is for sure, I am rich in love!!!!
Have a beautiful New Year!!!