Sunday, December 12, 2010

Remembering the Reason for the Season

As I begin - I admit a bit late - to get things in order for Christmas I was thinking, "What do I want to teach my children about the season?" Do I want them to feel stressed during this time of year? Do I want them to think only of themselves and their "wants"? Or do I want to teach them balance, kindness, charity, tradition and love? Well I choose the last string of ideas. Now I need to figure out how to do that. Many ideas came rushing in and I thought I would write them down so I can stay on track and remember the reason for the season.

For me this is a beautiful and spiritual time of year. There is so much I love about Christmas and I admit it stems from the wonderful experiences of my youth. Thank you mom and dad for setting it all out properly for us.

Here is what I have learned and what I hope to pass on. That the birth of Christ should remind us to be a bit more patient with others, to smile more frequently even at those that seem real grumpy for I bet they could use it the most and that giving is as much fun if not more fun than receiving.

Another thing I learned is that doing the right thing even though it is not popular (THINK ABOUT MARY AND WHAT SHE DID), and it can involve sacrifice and it will always take faith, courage and love. Those are beautiful gifts that we all should work on and pass to our children. In doing so, it will build character and peace.

So how do we go about doing this? Through example. Keep things in perspective, strive for excellence, not perfection - this is the balancing act I listed. Be mindful of the gifts we give children - what do the toys or games really teach and how do they reflect the spirit of the season? Make room for what is truly important, for me that is quality time, not quantity in gifts. I believe we should carve out a bit of "me time" and that even though we are busy we should strive to never be to busy for a cup of coffee with a friend or milk and cookies with a child.

This year is very different for me as I balance home life, a brand new business - yoga studio, my existing art jewelry business, "me time" and friend time. It should be an interesting season and a fun journey as I remind myself that it is the journey not the destination that counts.


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