Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mother = Faith

There are so many words I can use to describe my mother Shirley. The best one now is "Angel" since it encompasses all she was, what she still means to me and her spirit that surrounds me still - I truly am blessed.

On the 4th year of my mom's passing I wanted to share with you all a reading from "Journey to the Heart" by Melody Beattie. For me this embodies what my mom taught me.

"Remember Faith"
"There is a church in New Mexico where the ground is said to be holy, sacred, healing. As I sat in a pew in that church, I was amazed at the numbers that flocked there. I watched one man carry his sick wife, a woman so ill she couldn't walk or stand by herself. They came to pray, to touch the holy ground. They came for a miracle. I sat, watching and listening, in awe of the tremendous power of faith.

Many things in life test us, strain us, deplete us, and sometimes leave us without hope. Yet, there is a place in us where the ground is sacred and holy. That place in us is called faith.

Remember faith. It's important. Without it, life is dull, useless, and joyless. We may have moments when we say, "what's the use? Nothing will help." we may go through times when we're angry at God and don't want to believe anymore. But faith has the power to transform us. Faith can instill joy, bring peace and restore a sense of acceptance and fulfillment in our lives.

Faith is a simple place, but it is also a place of profound power. Faith can turn our lives around. Faith may not bring the miracle we want, but it will always bring the miracle we need. Cultivate faith, touch it, hold it in your hand.

In the back of the church in New Mexico where the ground is said to be holy, visitors are invited to take some of the dirt with them. I scooped up a portion, just a tiny bit, placed it in a small plastic bag and put it in my car.

Faith... You don't need much, a little bit goes a very long, long way."

Make it a happy day./

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