Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy March First!

Happy March first!!! We are only 20 days away from the beginning of Spring! How wonderful. When I look outside it is hard to believe spring is so close. Over the past few days we got about 20+ inches of snow and it looks beautiful!

Well I have completed 9 days of my "40 Days to a Personal Revolution" and am still going strong. This morning I was up and out of the house by 4:55am. Over to the YMCA and took a one and a half hour spinning class after that I went into the studio and did my half hour yoga practice. I felt very strong in my practice today. Chair/thunderbolt pose is always challenging for me but I did it a few times and held it for 8 breaths each time even though I wanted to come out of it. That is good for me! I also have been back bending more which is always something I avoid. I believe I am overcoming the poses that have held me back and that I am improving. It feels great!

Meditation on the other hand is still difficult. Today's meditation theme seemed to be "What do I have to do today and this week". I am able to quiet my mind for half of the 10 minute time frame. I thought I would be upset that thoughts kept popping up but it really didn't matter so much to me today. It was almost as if I was expecting that. This to will come with practice.

So much to share and so little time to do it. I will be sharing the next 4 laws of transformation tomorrow. Meanwhile choose to have a peaceful day and breathe!


1 comment:

Mickey (Michel) Johnson said...

...i am happy that it is march with spring break just around the corner. we have no major plans, but it will be nice to have a little reprieve from school and the fast pace we keep. i wish i knew the key to being able to meditate. i so need it. i try to quiet my mind, but i can't seem to conquer the flurry of business that seems to swirl during my search for a moment of quiet...but, i will not give up...someday i pray to get it...xo, mickey.