Authentic Success is a Work in Progress!
Authentic success, what does it mean? Well Webster dictionary describes authentic as, and I quote, "1. Authoritative; 2. worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to fact or reality, trustworthy; 3. not imaginary, false or imitation."
When I read "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach, her entry for September 15th rang true and clear for me. It starts "Authentic success is different for each of us. No single definition fits all because we come in all sizes. One afternoon years ago, while wandering through an abandoned cemetery, I discovered a wonderful definition of authentic success inscribed on the headstone of a woman who died in 1820: "The only pain she ever caused was when she left us."
Wow that is powerful, moving and something to strive towards.
For me authentic success is sometimes a mystery and at other times I feel as if I am achieving it. Some high points for me are... prioritizing my time properly so that family and friends are on top...answering "if not now when?" with NOW!... knowing in my soul that I did my best and being okay with it regardless of the outcome...Making peace with my past... recognizing my talents and sharing them and not diminishing them when they are recognized by others... making a difference in the world one smile at a time... sharing laughter often and being okay with my tears and the tears of others... truly listening to someone else without interjecting my opinion...valuing my dreams and working consistently to reach them and dream even more... cultivating the attitude of gratitude... and being blessed with faith.
As I reach the cross roads of my life I understand where I have been, liking where I am now and loving the ideas that tomorrow brings. And as I remain present to what really matters, I am achieving my "Authentic Success".
I will be posting the full reading this week on our new website.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Website is up and Running
We are so excited that our new and improved website is up and running. Thank you all for your patience - we greatly appreciate it! Please check it out
Special blog postings will be posted on the new site beginning tomorrow and our photo gallery will be up and running by the end of the week. The photo gallery will give you a chance to see what goes on at the studio from special events to the everyday fun we experience.
As always your presences is greatly appreciated. Each one of you has a special place in our hearts and in helping us create our dream. Thank you with all my heart.
Special blog postings will be posted on the new site beginning tomorrow and our photo gallery will be up and running by the end of the week. The photo gallery will give you a chance to see what goes on at the studio from special events to the everyday fun we experience.
As always your presences is greatly appreciated. Each one of you has a special place in our hearts and in helping us create our dream. Thank you with all my heart.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Welocme Terri!
Spring has sprung and here at Inspire Yoga we have some wonderful changes to let you know about. As you know our new schedule went into effect last Friday and we are thrilled with the response! Beginning tonight, Tuesday April 5th we are welcoming a new teacher to Inspire Yoga, Terri Orr at 5:45 for Mixed Flow. We are also thrilled that Cindy Edington will be treating us to another Power Yoga class with Aroma Therapy at 7:15pm on Tuesdays. Thank you for all your support.
Terri Orr RYT
Terri has been practicing yoga since 1998. She has recently completed her formal Power Yoga training and is now a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) through Yoga Alliance. Terri firmly believes in the power of yoga to heal the mind, body and spirit. She believes in living yoga both on and off the mat. She is a member of the iRocYoga which organizes charity and fund raising events for the Rochester community. Terri is the mother of two daughters and enjoys biking, hiking, reading and studying American Sign Language."
Mixed Flow Yoga
Designed for beginners and intermediate practitioners, this class focuses on alignment, building strength and stamina, and can be a beautiful bridge to the next level. The room temperature is set between 80 to 85 degrees. Bring a towel and water.
About Inspire Yoga
We are located at 1802 Penfield Road just west of the Four Corners.
We can be reached at 249-YOGA (9642).
Terri Orr RYT
Terri has been practicing yoga since 1998. She has recently completed her formal Power Yoga training and is now a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) through Yoga Alliance. Terri firmly believes in the power of yoga to heal the mind, body and spirit. She believes in living yoga both on and off the mat. She is a member of the iRocYoga which organizes charity and fund raising events for the Rochester community. Terri is the mother of two daughters and enjoys biking, hiking, reading and studying American Sign Language."
Mixed Flow Yoga
Designed for beginners and intermediate practitioners, this class focuses on alignment, building strength and stamina, and can be a beautiful bridge to the next level. The room temperature is set between 80 to 85 degrees. Bring a towel and water.
About Inspire Yoga
We are located at 1802 Penfield Road just west of the Four Corners.
We can be reached at 249-YOGA (9642).
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Spring Has Sprung at Inspire
Good Morning Everyone!!!!
A gentle reminder:
Spring schedule has started! On Saturdays we are now offering 3 classes.
7:30am Beginner Yoga
8:50am Mixed Yoga Express (40 minute express)
10:00am Power Yoga
A little something for everyone! See you all soon!
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift, that is why it is the present."
A gentle reminder:
Spring schedule has started! On Saturdays we are now offering 3 classes.
7:30am Beginner Yoga
8:50am Mixed Yoga Express (40 minute express)
10:00am Power Yoga
A little something for everyone! See you all soon!
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift, that is why it is the present."
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
First Friday Mixed Flow Class
New schedule starts this Friday April 1st - no fooling!!!! We have added "First Friday" which is a friday evening 5:30pm class! This week will be a mixed flow taught by Joan. Come on in for a "Happy Hour" that burns calories!
Monday, March 28, 2011
New Schedule Beginning Friday April 1st - No Joking!

MONDAY 9:30 am, Gentle Yoga (60 min.)
4:30 pm,Yoga for the Stiff Guy or Gal (60 min.)
6 pm, Boot Camp Power Yoga (60 min.)
TUESDAY 9:30 am, Beginner Flow (60 min.)
12:10 pm, Lunch Express Mixed Flow* (40 min.)
5:45 pm, Mixed Flow (60 min.)
7:15 pm, Power Flow Aroma Therapy (60 min.)
WEDNESDAY 9:30 am, Power Flow (60 min.)
4:30 pm, Yoga for the Stiff Guy or Gal (60 min.)
6 pm, Boot Camp Power Yoga (60 min.)
THURSDAY 9:30 am, Gentle Yoga (60 min.)
12:10 pm, Lunch Express Mixed Flow* (40 min.)
5:45 pm, Mixed Flow (60 min.)
7:15 pm, Power Flow Aroma Therapy (60 min.)
FRIDAY 9:30 am, Mixed Flow (60 min.)
5:30 pm, 1st Friday Instructor's Choice** (75 min.)
SATURDAY 7:30 am, Beginner Flow (60 min.)
8:50 am, Mixed Flow Express (40 min.)
10 am, Power Flow (75 min.)
11:30 am, Family Yoga*** (30 min.)
* Lunch Express & Mixed Flow Saturday Express
are each 40 minutes.
** Friday April 1st, May 6th, June 3rd, July 1st, August 5th.
*** Four-class session program - sign-up is required.
The above schedule is effective as of April 1, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
New Schedule
Inspire Yoga is releasing our new spring schedule on Monday March 28. We are adding new classes, a new teacher and a few new times. Thank you for all your input, we greatly appreciate it!
Special Note: Our "FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH" Class series begins next Friday April 1st at 5:30 TO 6:30. A new twist for a "Happy Hour".
Let me leave you with this quote by Dr. Seuss.... "be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
Special Note: Our "FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH" Class series begins next Friday April 1st at 5:30 TO 6:30. A new twist for a "Happy Hour".
Let me leave you with this quote by Dr. Seuss.... "be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Calories Burned
Did you know...VINYASA YOGA a dynamic form of yoga that connects postures and creates a flow between traditional yoga postures using sun salutations burns 445 calories and hour? So what is stopping you?
Monday, March 21, 2011
40 Days to a Personal Revolution
40 Days to a Personal Revolution
Are you ready for a whole-life Revolution? Based on the program created and presented by Baron Baptiste, Inspire Yoga will be hosting our first "40 Days to a Personal Revolution" beginning Monday April 25th and concluding Friday June 3rd. This amazing program will transform your practice and your life.
Are you ready to transform your mind, body and spirit? Then get committed! "40 Days to a Personal Revolution" blends daily yoga, meditation, healthier eating and personal reflection that will open the door to transformation. Weekly group meeting will keep you on track and accountable for your progress.
Our program at Inspire Yoga will include, the book "40 Days to a Personal Revolution" by Baron Baptiste, yoga pass for unlimited yoga during the program, and weekly meetings with meditations. The price for the "40 Day" program is $175.00.
You will follow Baron's book as a guide for the 40 days and commit to 4 studio practices a week, one weekly studio meeting with meditation, 2 home practices, daily meditation with journalling for personal reflection, and healthier eating.
REVOLUTION is about radical change, transformation at the root rather than the surface. This is a powerful program and we ask you to show up and give 110% of yourself.
Payment is expected when you sign up for this program. Sign ups will begin Monday March 7th. Books will be handed out during our "Kick Off" meeting Monday April 25th at 7:30 to 8:30pm and we will include a 20 minute practice and 5 minute meditation during that time. Weekly meetings will be held on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30pm. Our conclusion on Friday June 3rd will be a celebration practice beginning at 5:30 to 6:45pm.
The question to ask is... "ARE YOU READY FOR A REVOLUTION?"
Are you ready for a whole-life Revolution? Based on the program created and presented by Baron Baptiste, Inspire Yoga will be hosting our first "40 Days to a Personal Revolution" beginning Monday April 25th and concluding Friday June 3rd. This amazing program will transform your practice and your life.
Are you ready to transform your mind, body and spirit? Then get committed! "40 Days to a Personal Revolution" blends daily yoga, meditation, healthier eating and personal reflection that will open the door to transformation. Weekly group meeting will keep you on track and accountable for your progress.
Our program at Inspire Yoga will include, the book "40 Days to a Personal Revolution" by Baron Baptiste, yoga pass for unlimited yoga during the program, and weekly meetings with meditations. The price for the "40 Day" program is $175.00.
You will follow Baron's book as a guide for the 40 days and commit to 4 studio practices a week, one weekly studio meeting with meditation, 2 home practices, daily meditation with journalling for personal reflection, and healthier eating.
REVOLUTION is about radical change, transformation at the root rather than the surface. This is a powerful program and we ask you to show up and give 110% of yourself.
Payment is expected when you sign up for this program. Sign ups will begin Monday March 7th. Books will be handed out during our "Kick Off" meeting Monday April 25th at 7:30 to 8:30pm and we will include a 20 minute practice and 5 minute meditation during that time. Weekly meetings will be held on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30pm. Our conclusion on Friday June 3rd will be a celebration practice beginning at 5:30 to 6:45pm.
The question to ask is... "ARE YOU READY FOR A REVOLUTION?"
Sunday, March 20, 2011
What's New?
Good morning. As I write, the sun is shining, kids still sleeping and coffee is hot - in other words a perfect morning.
We have had tons of fun this past week with all our March Madness celebrations at the studio.
Just a few notes as we begin a new week.
1. Our Website is being redesigned to make it more user friendly. Thank you for your patience while we are under "construction". Meanwhile all updates will be posted here for the time being.
2. Our spring schedule will be posted early next week.
3. We have a new teacher joining our staff - Terri Orr RYT on Tuesday April 5th at 5:45 to 6:45pm.
4. New spring products will be arriving soon. Lots of wonderful ideas for Mother's Day Sunday May 8th.
5. "40 Days to Personal Revolution" sign ups are going on now.
6. "Family Yoga" April session sign ups are going on now.
7. Yoga Journal just released "Yoga for Beginners". This is a wonderful magazine guide for those new to yoga, at Barns and Noble Book Store.
8. Special thanks to the Krista and Lee for having their daughter's party at Inspire Yoga - you all rocked the house and I loved every minute. Also thank you for the wonderful music cd!
9. "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne is a wonderful book. Here is a link to their website.
10. Quote for the week: "No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever."
We have had tons of fun this past week with all our March Madness celebrations at the studio.
Just a few notes as we begin a new week.
1. Our Website is being redesigned to make it more user friendly. Thank you for your patience while we are under "construction". Meanwhile all updates will be posted here for the time being.
2. Our spring schedule will be posted early next week.
3. We have a new teacher joining our staff - Terri Orr RYT on Tuesday April 5th at 5:45 to 6:45pm.
4. New spring products will be arriving soon. Lots of wonderful ideas for Mother's Day Sunday May 8th.
5. "40 Days to Personal Revolution" sign ups are going on now.
6. "Family Yoga" April session sign ups are going on now.
7. Yoga Journal just released "Yoga for Beginners". This is a wonderful magazine guide for those new to yoga, at Barns and Noble Book Store.
8. Special thanks to the Krista and Lee for having their daughter's party at Inspire Yoga - you all rocked the house and I loved every minute. Also thank you for the wonderful music cd!
9. "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne is a wonderful book. Here is a link to their website.
10. Quote for the week: "No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever."
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