As I get older things are different that I never expected. I have always heard other women complain about their body's changing but I never thought much about it. I felt I eat right and exercise so I should be okay. Well as usually with me I am eating those words! I do, do all the right things but nature is taking over to some extent. I was feeling down and becoming very nit picky about different aspects of my body and getting a little down.
The other day, as I was cleaning and getting ready for my friends to come over for our bi-weekly breakfast club I came across a folder of my mother's. (Now for those who may not know this my mom passed away from leukemia 3 years ago and I was one of her main caretakers.) Well the folder I found was her notes dated before she was diagnosed with her cancer. These notes were written in her own hand, notes for her doctor because she wasn't feeling well and wanted to know what was going on. They were very detailed and as you can imagine brought tears to my eyes.
My mom is still teaching me to be grateful every step of the way and these notes reminded me how blessed I am and that health is the greatest gift of all. So even though my body is changing as I get deeper into my 40's, it is healthy and strong and really what could be greater than that?