My morning started out at 5am as usual on a Friday. I ran 3 miles on the "ProCor" machine which should be named "The Kick you Butt" machine, then I taught yoga for an hour, and all along I was thinking "How lucky am I?", and I mean that sincerely.
Fast forward...I got my boys off to school, kissed my husband as he went off to work, walked the dog, chatted with some neighbors I saw along the way and am now enjoying a steamy cup of coffee. As I was writing my "To Do List" which includes errands that need to get done and artwork I have to finish for clients, I had a small "Aha" moment as I got side tracked - daydreaming - about what I'd love to do today.
My "Aha" moment was pure gratitude - I am doing what I love. Then I saw this quote and thought I need to share it with you, "Let the Beauty of What You Love Be What You Do" by Jalal ad-Din Rumi.
"Aha" moments for me are small and tend to build upon each other. Nothing major by themselves but added together can make quite an impression on the soul. Some people may have huge life changing "Aha" moments but that is not me so far. I used to be saddened that I hadn't experienced that but now I am glad they come when they do and keep me appreciating all that I have.
As we all head into this "Mother's Day" weekend let me wish you all joy, happiness and to remember, "You're only limited by your imagination" - Marcia Ceppos. So dream BIG and remember that the small things in life bring great comfort.
You're so right, it IS the small things that bring the greatest amount of happiness . . . thanks for sharing your "aha" moment - don't you just love times like that?!
Also, thanks so much for the birthday wishes - I hope you enjoyed a lovely Mother's Day!
...hi sweet one! so true, the small things are what matter and bring the greatest joy. i am still reading the four agreements...thanks for the tip! xo, mickey
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