Monday, September 29, 2008

Home Sweet Home!!!

I just spent the most exhilarating 5 days in Florida attending a Mind Body Conference which is part of my journey towards my 500 hour RYT Certification. Currently I am an RYT at the 200 hour level. I was lucky enough to meet the most amazing group of like minds individual that added so much to my personal experience while I was there. I am looking forward to bringing this knowledge forward to those I meet in class and in life in general.

With all that said I am thrilled to be home! Home Sweet Home! I feel open, excited, encouraged, hopeful and positive. I am putting all that I learned into action already and it feels great!

Always remember we have choices. So let’s make our choices mindfully that will effect us and those around us positively. Once we get into this habit, our own happiness will be multiplied. Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and leave the rest to God!

When down or blue put the music on, turn up the volume and dance as if no one is watching – life is short, chose to be happy!

Life is Good!Namaste.


Patricia J. Mosca said...

So good to see you here...My hubby is having health issues so I have been not been in contact..did not get to clothes line this year...but OH..the pictures here are stunning!!!!!!!!!!
So goo to have you as a blogging neighbor!!!
Artfully Yours,

Joan Nichols ERYT said...

I will keep your husband in my prayers for his health!

Clothesline was a lot of fun!

I do hope when your husband gets better we can meet for a cup of tea! Meanwhile we can stay in touch over our blogs!