Sunday, October 12, 2008


“Love” is an incredible power. As I look at my weekend, I have been blessed to see so many angles of love. I look at family and friends and how we were all gathered to celebrate my son’s birthday. Then I look outside and see such beautiful weather and how that lifts the spirit. I also see how “Love” can help us overcome our fears.

In my last posting I spoke of trying to muster up the courage to give back to others or pay it forward. It is something I have been struggling with for sometime. At mass today I believe I had a break through. Today was the day that we renew our Stewardship at St. Joseph’s church. As I was signing up again for the things that I normally do, I had this thought – YOGA! Since I am a Yoga teacher I thought that I could use this talent to give to others that wouldn’t have a chance to take class. After mass I spoke to Father Jim and he thinks it may work. I will have to keep you all posted on this new journey and let you know how it unfolds. I believe my “LOVE” of yoga brought me to this point of extending myself to others.

Meanwhile the weather here in upstate NEW YORK has been spectacular! On Friday my niece Isabelle and I had fun creating art out of nature that we found in the neighborhood. We collaged with leaves, flowers, pea pods, seeds and branches onto wax paper then ironed it to create window art and book marks. They looked beautiful! And boy did we have fun.

The following day we celebrated my son’s 12th birthday at the park. Early in the day his friends came and played football and had lunch. Later that afternoon the family showed up and we had dinner, a bonfire and powerful conversations. How fun it is to spend the entire day outdoors in the fresh air with those you love! Talk about restoring our youthfulness!

Let me leave you with these words from Lydia M Child (1802-1880).
The cure for all the ills and wrongs, the cares, the sorrows and crimes of humanity, all lie in that one word "LOVE." It is the Divine Vitality that produces and restores life. To each and every one of us it gives the power of working miracles, if we will.

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