All of the handwriting is my grandma’s from letters written to my mom in the 1960’s. I have often been asked “How could you part with these letters?” My answer is simple. These letters express love and they are better shared and passed forward than collecting dust, hidden in a box somewhere. I guess when push comes to shove I just want to pass this good karma forward!
These lockets are created with great care and love. I start by letting my energy flow over boxes of material. Some boxes include antiqued photographs, other boxes include handwritten letters and other vintage material including old books, maps, silk, ribbon, paper and stamps. I then focus on what I want to say and build the original collage around that theme.
Next I fit the original artwork between cut flat glass, however I do use beveled glass from time to time. I wrap the charm with copper tape and then solder using lead free silver solder. Jump rings are added at this time too. The charm is ready for polishing and assembly.

Come and visit my etsy site http://www.nicholsforpennies.etsy.com/ to view these lockets and to read about the fun ingredients that goes into them. I would love any feed back you have to give.
Note: I do accept custom orders for "Treasured Lockets." They do make a great gift!
Thank you for stopping by!
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