I was visiting my favorite blogs this afternoon in between running up and down the stairs while taking care of my sick son Nick. When I popped by "me&mine", (
http://ginamharris.blogspot.com/ )Gina had this great list of questions her friend Jen sent to her and said we should all answer it on our blogs, so here I go. Please feel to copy and add to your own blog - it is fun!
What did you do today?
Taught yoga at 6am; took my 8 year old Timmy to breakfast; helped at school with their poetry reading; was presented with the best book of poems ever from the kids (I teach them yoga throughout the year and they each wrote me a poem as a thank you); got my mirror on the van fixed (this is the third time I had to get it fixed – I keep hitting them on all sorts of things from the garage door, to a construction sign and last on the garbage tote); I got my hair cut; started laundry and then my son came home with a high fever from school, so I have been playing nurse ever since.
What are you wearing today?
My “Irresistible” denim colored t-shirt, navy blue cargo pants and flip-flops.
What's for dinner?
Mediterranean pasta and maybe a glass of wine
What would you eat for your last meal?
Spaghetti and my mom’s meatballs and a beautiful full bodied glass of red wine and a green salad!
What's the last thing you bought?
Gift cards for Timmy’s teachers from a yoga studio called “Breathe” here in Pittsford, NY
What are you listening to right now?
Peace and quiet with touches of laughter from my younger son and the groans of my older son.
What is your favorite ice-cream flavor?
I don’t like ice cream – I know I must be crazy
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
Wow this is a tough one. It would have to be by the water. I love the Outer Banks of NC, I love the finger lakes of NY, and I love the Islands of Greece. I think the outer banks would win. Or I could go for a villa in Tuscany!!!!
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Ireland and have a pint and listen to other people’s conversations!
Which language do you want to learn?
What is your favorite quote of the moment?
“Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and leave the rest to God.”
What are your favorite colors?
Periwinkle blue, cobalt blue, bright pink, flashy orange
What song would you like to learn to play?
Anything by Mozart.
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?
If shoes count I would have to say my Nato flip-flops. Otherwise I’d say the blouse I got when I was in Greece last summer.
What is your dream job?
I have it. I always wanted to be a mom first, artist second and yoga teacher third. I am blessed.
If you had an extra $10,000 now, what would you spend it on?
I’d save it for my sons college education.
What are you going to do after this?
Start dinner.
What are your favorite movies lately?
“13 going on 30”.
What's your favorite fruit?
Blueberries at this moment. If you ask me five minutes from now I might say cherries. I love all kinds of fruit!
What inspires you?
Photographs, nature and certain colors like blue.
What is on the walls in your bedroom?
The color of our bedroom is light taupe, our ceiling is really dark taupe and I added crown molding in ivory to separate the two colors. I have hung tree branches for my curtain rods (they fell down in a storm a few years ago so I recycled!) and draped white fabric over them. I have bookshelves mounted on the walls and 3water color paintings. I love what is on my walls!
Your favorite book?
I learned the most from “The Four Agreements”, had a blast reading “Twilight” because it is something I would never have read before and my favorite classic is “Pride and Prejudice”.
Do you collect something?
Anything by Mackenzie – Childs of Aurora, NY and I love to collect quotes .