I am understanding that yoga is more than just an exceptional workout physically but a program that shapes the mind as well as the body and gives you the power to liberate your mind. Something I have always known intellectually but it has been hard for me to put into practice consistently . Now I am learning to do just that, and the healing powers it has is beautiful. The key for me is the morning meditations. It starts me off slower and with purpose.
Here are the next 4 laws of transformation from Baron Baptiste's book, "40 Days to a Personal Revolution".
Law 5: Shift your Vision. In life we run into obstacles that upon first glance look like the fault of others, but a closer examination will often show that the obstacles can be a mirror of our own hidden barriers.
Law 6: Drop what you know. Too often, many of our educators lost sight of the fact the root of the word education is educere, which means "to draw forth from within". As a result, even to this day we are too easily influenced by what other people say. Praise makes us feel good while criticism makes us feel bad. We need to cast out our self-doubt. When we really let go suddenly we open up and there is space for new energy and insight.
Law 7: Relax with what is. Wisdom comes from not losing our cool in turbulent moments. Before we can find peace among nations, we have to find peace inside our own being.
Law 8: Remove the Rocks. Transformation comes not by adding things on but by removing what didn't belong in the first place. We change by peeling away all the toxic layers, emotional debris and beliefs that we have added on over the years. We forget that there is something perfect already within us.
The next 4 laws will come next week. Meanwhile I hope the laws listed above give you good food for thought.
I am off to start creating my spring jewelery line for "Wendy at Work" www.wendyatwork.com and Craft Company #6 www.craftcompany.com . If you have moment check out their websites. Special note: Craft Company #6 is celebrating women artists. All work by women artists is 20% off. Take a peek!
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