I have been struggling for some time now trying to figure out this question, "What is our authentic self?" Many times when I feel I have gotten it right, I find that I still have so much more to learn, which is a beautiful lesson in humility and good for my soul. I feel connected to who I am to be in this life during such moments of intense observation of myself.
Witnessing our world from my corner, I see so many wonderful aspects but I also see where we can all improve. That is what I struggle with, the lack of effort, faith and respect that I witness. I see it often in adults and then witness the trickle down effect to children. I struggle with not judging others since I do not walk in their shoes. This is hard for me.
When describing myself I would say I am an optimist and extremely grateful for the many blessing in life. I work on seeing the good in people and it is there for certain!
But answer me this, please, how does one teach a child not to fall prey to peer pressure when adults do constantly, and not pass judgement? As a parent I have been called upon to explain this to my children when they have witnessed it in the adults around them. This is hard especially when the adult behavior does effect them.
Life is so different from when I grew up. I am not sure about you all, but my parents didn't over schedule me, or try to fit me into groups that were not for me, when they said no they meant it for our own good and they always had strong moral courage and that was that. Where has that way of life gone? Is it still out there? Is it out there and hiding? Where has courage to do the right thing gone? Why aren't parents doing their job? If we all stick together we could get through this easier I believe.
This reminds me of a line in a reading that I often read in my yoga classes. It reads like this, "I want to know if you can disappoint another and still be true to yourself."
What is our authentic self and how do we find her?
Oh the endless thoughts of a mOm. It's hard enough being responsible for our own life, but then to be given another into our custody, well, it's just plain overwhelming. Not that I can say I'm really good at this, but the best thing I heard was, "Don't worry about what to tell your children, worry about what they see you doing." I guess if we are true to ourselves that lesson will rub off on our kids. Wish I was around to take your yoga class. Namaste.
...i'm still searching for her (my authentic self that is)...i do believe in looking for the good in people...abraham lincoln once said that if you look for the good in man, you will surely find it... what a great way to live. xo, mickey
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