Today has been a beautiful day in more ways than one. First let me describe outside here in upstate New York on February 21st. The sky is crystal clear and the sun is brilliant. There is no wind and it feels warmer than the 32 degrees reported. A perfect day for a walk and to build a snowman.
I got up naturally at 7:00am did my meditation then went to the YMCA to run and do my yoga practice. It is great getting there so early on a Sunday. It is peaceful and relaxing. After I ran for 3 miles I went in to the studio and did my practice for 35 minutes. I felt great and it was such a pleasure to do savasana with no distractions. When I practice at home my dog Charlie loves to lay on top of me at that point which is sweet but very distracting, needless to say!
After getting home and having my decaf coffee I read another "Law of Transformation" and got ready for church. We all went to the 11:00am mass. I love it when the homily and life are in sync with one another.
What have I learned today? I have learned that life is all about choices. We can make up all sorts of excuses as to why we won't better ourselves or situations. The excuse that is used most frequently is "I don't have enough time." We choice not to have enough time by over scheduling ourselves, our children, prioritizing poorly and then wonder why we are so frazzled. We tend to put "things" in front of relationships and we choose to put God last if we even think of him at all. Is it really a wonder why the world is in such a state?
It would be great if we all could choose to take five to ten minutes each morning to just sit and be. When thoughts pop up and they will, acknowledge them and send them on their way and reconnect with the breath. It is easy, painless and doable. It will set your day up beautifully. Let's remember life happens but let's enjoy the ride while we can.
PS I found this photo, thought of the Olympics and thought it would be fun to share especially since the sky that is pictured looks exactly like the sky in NY right now!
It's been awhile since I've visited your peaceful blog and these ideas speak such truth. Thanks for the reminders - you're so inspiring!
You just made me feel like a million bucks with your sweet comment! Thank you!
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