Lent just started this past Wednesday and I want to do something different and meaningful this year that I have never done before. I have been thinking about this for some time. Now in the past I have always been pretty good with giving something up that I truly enjoy but this year I want to add something rather than take away something. I thought how can I change the world, what can I add to it? I mean really I am just one person, then it hit me, it only takes one person.
I went and purchased Baron Baptiste's book "40 Days to Personal Revolution". To my surprise this book has beautiful insight into our souls and who we are and what we can do with effort. Sure there is a strong yoga element but it is presented as a means to an end. And that end is to create a better, kinder person, the person God wants us to be.
Of course in doing this program I will be doing yoga everyday for 40 days beginning with 20 minutes each day for the first week and then increasing it from there. Along with the the physical yoga practice I will be meditating for 5 minutes each day the first week and increasing it from there. There are other elements to this that I will continue to discover while I am on this journey.
My intention for Lent is to complete this program, grow towards the person I am meant to be and share the process with you. As I have heard it said before, "Anything worth doing is done better when shared." I will be posting my progress as it relates to this journey as often as possible with the hope that this journey I take will inspire at least one person and then I have changed the world for the better.
Oh yeah I still gave up chocolate!
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