Sunday December 28th well the count down to the New Year has begun. Ideas are circling my brain in anticipation of 2009. Today’s task will be to get a notebook with a hard cover and creatively decorate it. This will be my journal for the New Year. What will be written is a mystery waiting to unfold! However I will start by writing down these ideas that are circling my brain and keeping me up at night!
Monday December 29th exercise and fast! Today I will start by going to cycling at an ungodly hour 5:30am, followed by a yoga practice and a warm water fast for 24 hours to cleanse the system. I believe a nap is order too!
Tuesday December 30th finish laundry and organize the closets and dresser drawers – how cool will that be to start 2009 off organized?
Wednesday December 31st finish the year by creating a list of moments we were grateful for in 2008. Some will be happy ones moments for sure, and some may be bittersweet with lessons well learned. List them all and find a way to be grateful for those moments. I believe with every negative a positive will be found if we choose to find it. Tuck the list into your new journal for 2009 to be looked upon on Dec. 31st 2009 and note your personal growth! Then shower up, dress up and have fun with friends, and family.
Thursday January 1st, 2009! WOW! Sleep in. Once awake take advantage of the new day/year and go for a walk outside, breath deeply, enjoying the fresh air, and set your intentions for the New Year! Start your journal but don’t stress over it that you have to write in it everyday, just make the agreement with yourself you will write once a week on average, maybe more some weeks and maybe you will skip a week here or there. It is a tool to track growth, create lists of pretty much anything, and with each entry remember to write what made you grateful that day.
Friday January 2nd write your thank you notes the old fashioned way and send them through the mail!
Saturday January 3rd try something new today that you haven’t tried before. It could be anything, a new food, going into a shop you have always been curious about, it maybe walking around a different street, it maybe taking that first yoga class or even going to the library and exploring a different section that you have never been in. It doesn’t have to be costly, just imaginative!
My wish for all that read my blog is to have a wonderful week preparing for the New Year and to find time to think how we can make 2009 better for those around us and our world. In the words of Deepak Chopra, “I will invent something that the world desperately needs.”
Last but not least say “Hi!” from time to time and share what you are up to too! God bless and keep you safe and healthy!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
December 21st to December 27th
Sunday December 21st if you are like me you probably still have a laundry list of things to do. Take a deep breath in and say, “So what, it will all get done and I will take it slow and enjoy!” Today I will focus on cooking Christmas Eve dinner which will be homemade tomato sauce, meatballs and pasta. I will also bake 2 maybe 3 kinds of cookies starting out with “Mrs. Claus’s Peppermint Wonders” – which sound insanely delicious! (They are fuggy chocolate brownies with vanilla cream frosting and crushed candy canes!) YUMMY!!!! However the morning will be spent doing Christmas cards and some art work. Breath and bake is the theme of today!
Monday December 22nd first stop will be the post office to send my last minute cards and gifts – it is the thought that counts and with the grace of God they still may make it on time! Afterwards I volunteer in the middle school library followed by a lunch with friends and ornament exchange! Visit with friends is the theme of today!
Tuesday December 23rd I will start the day off by treating myself to a yoga class at “Breath” – my favorite place to take a class when I am not teaching! After I get cleaned up I will be off to the elementary school to help with the Christmas party since I am one of the room parents and I must say that will definitely be the highlight of the day to witness all the excitement of the children! Afterwards I will start Christmas dinner which will be “Jambalaya” and of course bake 2 more types of cookies and I will finish my day by completing our wrapping in front of the fire with the tree lights on and soft Christmas music playing. Finish last minute things is the theme of today.
Wednesday December 24th go to mass either a children’s mass or midnight mass depending on the ages of your “party!” Focus and remember Jesus is the reason for the season.
Thursday December 25th relax and enjoy the day! It will probably be busy however find moments to savor, it will take my 3 favorite words to do that, “Effort, Honor, and Foundation.” Make the effort (time) to honor (show respect) and which sets the foundation to build your faith on and other will see.
Friday December 26th Rejoice and continue to enjoy family and friends. Have some friends over to relax in front of the fire for great conversation and a glass of your holiday favorite! (Peppermint hot co-co, eggnog with nutmeg, red wine, or sparkling water with fresh cranberries and orange slice is always nice and it look festive too!)
Saturday December 27th sleep in!
Christmas is not over, the season has just begun! The busy, crazy stuff that clouds the reason for the season has lifted, so now is the time to enjoy those efforts but more importantly enjoy those around us! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
Monday December 22nd first stop will be the post office to send my last minute cards and gifts – it is the thought that counts and with the grace of God they still may make it on time! Afterwards I volunteer in the middle school library followed by a lunch with friends and ornament exchange! Visit with friends is the theme of today!
Tuesday December 23rd I will start the day off by treating myself to a yoga class at “Breath” – my favorite place to take a class when I am not teaching! After I get cleaned up I will be off to the elementary school to help with the Christmas party since I am one of the room parents and I must say that will definitely be the highlight of the day to witness all the excitement of the children! Afterwards I will start Christmas dinner which will be “Jambalaya” and of course bake 2 more types of cookies and I will finish my day by completing our wrapping in front of the fire with the tree lights on and soft Christmas music playing. Finish last minute things is the theme of today.
Wednesday December 24th go to mass either a children’s mass or midnight mass depending on the ages of your “party!” Focus and remember Jesus is the reason for the season.
Thursday December 25th relax and enjoy the day! It will probably be busy however find moments to savor, it will take my 3 favorite words to do that, “Effort, Honor, and Foundation.” Make the effort (time) to honor (show respect) and which sets the foundation to build your faith on and other will see.
Friday December 26th Rejoice and continue to enjoy family and friends. Have some friends over to relax in front of the fire for great conversation and a glass of your holiday favorite! (Peppermint hot co-co, eggnog with nutmeg, red wine, or sparkling water with fresh cranberries and orange slice is always nice and it look festive too!)
Saturday December 27th sleep in!
Christmas is not over, the season has just begun! The busy, crazy stuff that clouds the reason for the season has lifted, so now is the time to enjoy those efforts but more importantly enjoy those around us! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
December 14th - December 20th - Holiday Suggestions
Sunday December 14th make the effort to slow down today. Enjoy a cup of coffee while you sit and read the paper with Christmas music softly playing in the back ground– extra credit stay in you r pajamas until 12:00pm.
Monday December 15th wrap all gifts that need to go out of town today and go to the post office. Helpful hint: go to the post office around 10:40 that way you will miss the rush of the morning “Traffic” in the post office and avoid the lunch “Traffic”.
Tuesday December 16th start the day off with a protein shake to gear you up for your final “Power Shopping” day. As always as you pass the red kettle be kind and drop some change in, hold the door open and ask each store clerk how their day is! (I bet you will get better service and put a smile on their face.)
Wednesday December 17th Say to yourself it will all get done and take a deep breath in. Write out what is really important this holiday and also write what you want your children to learn from this season. Focus and remember Jesus is the reason for the season.
Thursday December 18th Finish your Christmas cards and send them out today. Do a little dance to celebrate that being done as you leave the post office. You will feel great and make those around you wonder what you are on!
Friday December 19th reconnect with dear friends by going to a movie and dinner afterwards! Relax and enjoy the conversation! Our lives are busy but never to busy to miss an opportunity to connect with others. (This idea will also make a great New Year’s resolution – I know it will be on my list for 2009.)
Saturday December 20th let’s dress up and have some girlfriends over to wrap gifts and enjoy a bottle of red wine. Each person is responsible for bringing their own wrapping paper, gifts to wrap and scissors, you provide the music, wine and tape! I think this would be a blast! Talk about multitasking party and get gifts wrapped, how cool.
*Let’s remember as we go through our week that laughter is not only the music of the soul but also the shortest distance between two people even if they are strangers.
Stay tuned for more fun holiday suggestions for December 21st – December 28th!
Monday December 15th wrap all gifts that need to go out of town today and go to the post office. Helpful hint: go to the post office around 10:40 that way you will miss the rush of the morning “Traffic” in the post office and avoid the lunch “Traffic”.
Tuesday December 16th start the day off with a protein shake to gear you up for your final “Power Shopping” day. As always as you pass the red kettle be kind and drop some change in, hold the door open and ask each store clerk how their day is! (I bet you will get better service and put a smile on their face.)
Wednesday December 17th Say to yourself it will all get done and take a deep breath in. Write out what is really important this holiday and also write what you want your children to learn from this season. Focus and remember Jesus is the reason for the season.
Thursday December 18th Finish your Christmas cards and send them out today. Do a little dance to celebrate that being done as you leave the post office. You will feel great and make those around you wonder what you are on!
Friday December 19th reconnect with dear friends by going to a movie and dinner afterwards! Relax and enjoy the conversation! Our lives are busy but never to busy to miss an opportunity to connect with others. (This idea will also make a great New Year’s resolution – I know it will be on my list for 2009.)
Saturday December 20th let’s dress up and have some girlfriends over to wrap gifts and enjoy a bottle of red wine. Each person is responsible for bringing their own wrapping paper, gifts to wrap and scissors, you provide the music, wine and tape! I think this would be a blast! Talk about multitasking party and get gifts wrapped, how cool.
*Let’s remember as we go through our week that laughter is not only the music of the soul but also the shortest distance between two people even if they are strangers.
Stay tuned for more fun holiday suggestions for December 21st – December 28th!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
December 7th - 13th - Friendly Suggestions
Sunday December 7th Cut down your own Christmas tree. Go with another family or two. Have fun walking outside in the fresh air and bring your dog if you have one – you will swear they are smiling from ear to ear! Special Note: If you live in Rochester I highly recommend “Country Pines” in Penfield. You will be greeted with a smile and the hot coco is to die for, plus each year they give you a different ornament! (This has been our family tradition for 15 years and we have a wonderful collection of these handmade ornaments!) When you get home light a fire, put on some Christmas music and start decorating your tree and have the kids create an ornament while you string the lights.
Monday December 8th, the Immaculate Conception – go to mass and thank God for the special women in your life. Special Note: This is the second anniversary of my mom’s death and I am still so blessed with her presence in my life! I am lucky and life is good!
Tuesday December 9th play the “Charlie Brown Christmas” CD while writing out your Christmas cards do a few each day and send them out by Dec. 18th and they will be sure to get to everyone on time! Special Note: You can purchase this CD at Starbucks!
Wednesday December 10th shop for all your out of town gifts today. Start early since most shops open up between 8:00-9:00am. First stop Starbucks for a solid kick of caffeine that will keep you going and going! Special Note: Pick up an extra pair of mittens and a hat and bring them to a local shelter. Extra Credit: Get a few pairs and a few hats!
Thursday December 11th take a yoga class. During this time of year we really need to check in with ourselves and take care of ourselves. Choose either a gentle class or a power flow class, which ever you are more in the mood for, but do it. You will feel better, more energized and relaxed. Giving yourself this gift of a yoga class you will be giving those around you the gift of a peaceful “You!” Then wrap one present for your out of town friends and family. Extra Credit: Get it all done and then you will really be relaxed! Breath.
Friday December 12th TGIF! Bake more cookies. Bake a double batch of shortbread since they freeze real well. Freeze half for the holidays and keep half in an air tight container. Invite a neighbor over for tea and conversation!
Saturday December 13th do your weekly cleaning for 2 hours and then take a break and list 10 things are grateful for, your list might start out with, I am grateful that the laundry is done!
The holidays can be very tough on people for a variety of reasons. Be patient, smile often, hold the door open for others, and take the time to truly listen to other people. Those simple acts may mean the difference between a hard day and a good day to those who struggle.
Stay tuned for more fun suggestions December 14th – December 20th!
Monday December 8th, the Immaculate Conception – go to mass and thank God for the special women in your life. Special Note: This is the second anniversary of my mom’s death and I am still so blessed with her presence in my life! I am lucky and life is good!
Tuesday December 9th play the “Charlie Brown Christmas” CD while writing out your Christmas cards do a few each day and send them out by Dec. 18th and they will be sure to get to everyone on time! Special Note: You can purchase this CD at Starbucks!
Wednesday December 10th shop for all your out of town gifts today. Start early since most shops open up between 8:00-9:00am. First stop Starbucks for a solid kick of caffeine that will keep you going and going! Special Note: Pick up an extra pair of mittens and a hat and bring them to a local shelter. Extra Credit: Get a few pairs and a few hats!
Thursday December 11th take a yoga class. During this time of year we really need to check in with ourselves and take care of ourselves. Choose either a gentle class or a power flow class, which ever you are more in the mood for, but do it. You will feel better, more energized and relaxed. Giving yourself this gift of a yoga class you will be giving those around you the gift of a peaceful “You!” Then wrap one present for your out of town friends and family. Extra Credit: Get it all done and then you will really be relaxed! Breath.
Friday December 12th TGIF! Bake more cookies. Bake a double batch of shortbread since they freeze real well. Freeze half for the holidays and keep half in an air tight container. Invite a neighbor over for tea and conversation!
Saturday December 13th do your weekly cleaning for 2 hours and then take a break and list 10 things are grateful for, your list might start out with, I am grateful that the laundry is done!
The holidays can be very tough on people for a variety of reasons. Be patient, smile often, hold the door open for others, and take the time to truly listen to other people. Those simple acts may mean the difference between a hard day and a good day to those who struggle.
Stay tuned for more fun suggestions December 14th – December 20th!
Monday, December 1, 2008
December 1st through 6th!
For each day in December I am writing a holiday suggestion to help make our holidays a little brighter for us and those around us. I hope you enjoy.
Week one:
December 1st Vacuum the house or at least the downstairs. Dusting is extra credit! Note you may remind kids that Santa is watching and see what happens.
December 2nd Get out your Advent calendar and wreath and light the first candle. (I know we should have done this on Nov. 30th but better late than never.)
December 3rd String lights outside around one bush. Multiple bushes are extra credit and well worth the time, just ask your neighborhood kids!
December 4th Go to the Public Market and buy some fresh evergreen or find a Boy Scout troop that sell fresh wreaths and buy two. Keep one for your front door and give the other to a friend who is over whelmed at this point.
December 5th TGIF celebrate by baking cookies and make the little ones help – even if it is to just lick the bowl and label them official cookie tasters! Send some cookies home with your helpers! (Workers comp!)
December 6th Celebrate Saint Nicholas’ Feast Day by having friends over for a drink and dessert. Fill children’s shoes with treats – be sure the dog doesn’t get them!
*Remember to do the following throughout this month everyday or every time the opportunity arises:
1. When you can hold the door open for someone –DO IT!
2. When you see the Salvation Army Red Kettle put your change or coffee money in or really surprise the bell ringer by bringing them a cup of coco!
3. Smile at everyone especially those that seem grumpy – I bet they could use the lift the most.
4. Dust the snow off the car next to you when you are done shopping.
5. Take a moment for yourself at least once a day to breath really deep and to be grateful for one thing!
Next week I will post December 7-13. Stay tuned!
Week one:
December 1st Vacuum the house or at least the downstairs. Dusting is extra credit! Note you may remind kids that Santa is watching and see what happens.
December 2nd Get out your Advent calendar and wreath and light the first candle. (I know we should have done this on Nov. 30th but better late than never.)
December 3rd String lights outside around one bush. Multiple bushes are extra credit and well worth the time, just ask your neighborhood kids!
December 4th Go to the Public Market and buy some fresh evergreen or find a Boy Scout troop that sell fresh wreaths and buy two. Keep one for your front door and give the other to a friend who is over whelmed at this point.
December 5th TGIF celebrate by baking cookies and make the little ones help – even if it is to just lick the bowl and label them official cookie tasters! Send some cookies home with your helpers! (Workers comp!)
December 6th Celebrate Saint Nicholas’ Feast Day by having friends over for a drink and dessert. Fill children’s shoes with treats – be sure the dog doesn’t get them!
*Remember to do the following throughout this month everyday or every time the opportunity arises:
1. When you can hold the door open for someone –DO IT!
2. When you see the Salvation Army Red Kettle put your change or coffee money in or really surprise the bell ringer by bringing them a cup of coco!
3. Smile at everyone especially those that seem grumpy – I bet they could use the lift the most.
4. Dust the snow off the car next to you when you are done shopping.
5. Take a moment for yourself at least once a day to breath really deep and to be grateful for one thing!
Next week I will post December 7-13. Stay tuned!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Latest in my Collection
On this one of a kind necklace you will find 3 fine silver charms. The first is of a small tree beginning to bud, the second larger circle charm is the tree is bloom and the final charm is my believe tag. The tree images I carved.Also included in this necklace are numerous gemstones and pearls such as 3 kinds of quartz, citrine, peridot, amethyst, carnelian, amber, and American mined “Sleeping Beauty” turquoise. Along with this colorful parade of gemstones and pearls I have placed 8 handmade glass beads by another American artist. Last but not least aside from the above and the Greek leather I have used a 1937 indian head nickle for the clasp.
This necklace looks great with many color schemes and will certainly become a treasure and reminder that if we believe we can do anything!
Check out the other items recently added to my etsy website.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Irish Prayer
Irish Prayer
(Author Unknown)
Take time to work, it is the price of success.
Take time to think, it is the source of power.
Take time to play, it is the secret to perpetual youth.
Take time to read, it is the foundation of wisdom.
Take time to be friendly, it is the road to happiness.
Take time to love and to be loved, it is the privilege of God.
Take time to share, life is to be short to be selfish.
Take time to laugh, laughter truly is the music of the soul!
I found this and another poem that my mom had written to me for my high school graduation. Mom forgot to give them to me that day. I found them years later when I was going through her things after she died. The words on these pages rang so true to me that I was glad I received them when I did. I believe I appreciate them more today than I would have back in 1984!
(Author Unknown)
Take time to work, it is the price of success.
Take time to think, it is the source of power.
Take time to play, it is the secret to perpetual youth.
Take time to read, it is the foundation of wisdom.
Take time to be friendly, it is the road to happiness.
Take time to love and to be loved, it is the privilege of God.
Take time to share, life is to be short to be selfish.
Take time to laugh, laughter truly is the music of the soul!
I found this and another poem that my mom had written to me for my high school graduation. Mom forgot to give them to me that day. I found them years later when I was going through her things after she died. The words on these pages rang so true to me that I was glad I received them when I did. I believe I appreciate them more today than I would have back in 1984!
Thanksgiving…What Does it All Mean?
I have been pondering the meaning of Thanksgiving trying to come up with something fresh and clever to say for my blog and I have been stuck. I know it all started with the Indians and pilgrims. But in this day and age when so much is taken for granted, and that we are so busy we can’t even think straight, let alone ponder about the meaning of Thanksgiving. Then I had a thought. I would do the unthinkable – slow down, pour myself a cup of tea and list what I am thankful for and be open to where it takes me.
Here is the result of my thinking. I am thankful for the following. My family, starting with my parents – I hit the jackpot with them and my life has been beautiful as a result – note that I didn’t say perfect! Continuing with my family – my husband, who after 15 years of marriage still makes me laugh and gets my heart racing. I am thankful for my sons, who have made me a better person and put a smile on my face just thinking of them. This has been great because my wrinkles are going in the right direction! I am thankful for our extended family for their support, love and that they always make life interesting!
I am grateful for my dog Charlie who is crazy and lovable and greets me like I am a queen every time I walk in the door!
My health! I look around and think thank you God for all the gifts you have given me. The gift of getting up and out of bed with ease each morning. The gift of smelling and tasting, seeing and hearing and touching, of walking and running. The list goes on and on. Really when was the last time you took a moment to think about it?
I am grateful for my creativity. It brings me unbelievable pleasure and takes me to places I can only imagine!
My yoga practice which helps me get through each day gracefully. I am grateful for the ability to teach yoga, and for the friends I have made along the way. Each person has been a blessing one way or another.
I am grateful for my friends both old and new for they truly are the spice of life. I am grateful for my home and other necessities.
Above all I am grateful that I have faith in God which brings me full circle to my parents, who were my first teachers and introduced the idea to me beautifully. I hope I am doing that for my family too!
Now for your homework. You will need paper, pen or pencil, a cup or glass of your favorite beverage and begin to write. Start by finishing this sentence… I am grateful for….
Happy Thanksgiving!
Here is the result of my thinking. I am thankful for the following. My family, starting with my parents – I hit the jackpot with them and my life has been beautiful as a result – note that I didn’t say perfect! Continuing with my family – my husband, who after 15 years of marriage still makes me laugh and gets my heart racing. I am thankful for my sons, who have made me a better person and put a smile on my face just thinking of them. This has been great because my wrinkles are going in the right direction! I am thankful for our extended family for their support, love and that they always make life interesting!
I am grateful for my dog Charlie who is crazy and lovable and greets me like I am a queen every time I walk in the door!
My health! I look around and think thank you God for all the gifts you have given me. The gift of getting up and out of bed with ease each morning. The gift of smelling and tasting, seeing and hearing and touching, of walking and running. The list goes on and on. Really when was the last time you took a moment to think about it?
I am grateful for my creativity. It brings me unbelievable pleasure and takes me to places I can only imagine!
My yoga practice which helps me get through each day gracefully. I am grateful for the ability to teach yoga, and for the friends I have made along the way. Each person has been a blessing one way or another.
I am grateful for my friends both old and new for they truly are the spice of life. I am grateful for my home and other necessities.
Above all I am grateful that I have faith in God which brings me full circle to my parents, who were my first teachers and introduced the idea to me beautifully. I hope I am doing that for my family too!
Now for your homework. You will need paper, pen or pencil, a cup or glass of your favorite beverage and begin to write. Start by finishing this sentence… I am grateful for….
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
How True This Is!

100 years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the type of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove, but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.
I love this poem/saying and believe it is very true. When you have the opportunity to encourage a child take it and put a smile on their face. Here are some ideas:
That’s incredible * Clever * Outstanding * Wonderful * Amazing effort * You’ve got it * Excellent * You tried hard * I am proud of you * Cool * How artistic * Keep up the good work * You made it happen * You are a good sport * You are a great example to others * Your help really counts * Thank you * Way to go * Awesome!
Special directions: When saying any of the above, get down on their level and look them in the eye and smile!
Have a great evening!
I love this poem/saying and believe it is very true. When you have the opportunity to encourage a child take it and put a smile on their face. Here are some ideas:
That’s incredible * Clever * Outstanding * Wonderful * Amazing effort * You’ve got it * Excellent * You tried hard * I am proud of you * Cool * How artistic * Keep up the good work * You made it happen * You are a good sport * You are a great example to others * Your help really counts * Thank you * Way to go * Awesome!
Special directions: When saying any of the above, get down on their level and look them in the eye and smile!
Have a great evening!
Monday, November 3, 2008
I Love November - A New Beginning!

My day started off very early as I went to cycling class at 6am. During the first 15 minutes of class I was asked to sub the yoga class since the instructor could not be there. I was bummed since I really needed to do my own work out this morning, however I did teach.
As yoga teaches us, flexibility is not only in the asanas (postures) but in life. The people that showed up this morning for class were so grateful that I was there and would teach them that my "being bummed" went out the window and my attitude changed quickly. I felt awesome that I was given another opportunity to teach yoga.
As the morning progressed, I got the kids off to school and walked Charlie and began to reflect on the beginning of a new month and what it could mean for me. In my head I put together a short list of improvements that are meaningful to me, physically, mentally and spiritually (about two for each category) now I will write them down and begin my work on accomplishing them. It feels great to have a few goals and I am being smart not to over load myself as I have done in the past.
Here is to new beginnings - Love November!
PS My husband and I will celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary on November 6th!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
My Three Favorite Words

My three favorite words are “Effort”, “Honor” and “Foundation”. A life built upon these words can only be a positive one. Add to this “Hope”, “Gratefulness”, “Love”, “Grace” and “Courage” and our lives not only are positive but inspiring to those around us.
In life we can choose to be the flame or the mirror that reflects the flame, both are important and both take effort. Be mindful of our choices. To be positive is a choice just as much as being pessimistic is a choice. Choose to be positive and practice it and it will become second nature.
Those around us that are negative are choosing to be. They will have many accuses but the bottom line remains the same, this is their choice. They would rather see the glass half empty than half full, because seeing it half full takes effort. Pray for them and aim your smiles at them for they need it the most.
With a strong foundation we can build anything on top of it. Over time things may “Fall off” but the foundation will be there waiting for you to rebuild. This is as true in a yoga practice as it is in life. Take your time and build from the earth up and reach for the stars!
Honor what does it mean? According to “Webster” it means: “A person of superior standing; A keen sense of ethical conduct; To live up to or fulfill the terms of commitment.” Add to this, keep your promises! Honor is also enjoying our “Rights” and always balancing it with “Responsibility”. Too many people want all sorts of rights but neglect their responsibility.
Always forgive. With forgiveness remember to forget after learning from the situation. To do this takes the rest of my favorite words courage, grace, love, gratefulness and hope!
Choose to enjoy the rest of the day!
In life we can choose to be the flame or the mirror that reflects the flame, both are important and both take effort. Be mindful of our choices. To be positive is a choice just as much as being pessimistic is a choice. Choose to be positive and practice it and it will become second nature.
Those around us that are negative are choosing to be. They will have many accuses but the bottom line remains the same, this is their choice. They would rather see the glass half empty than half full, because seeing it half full takes effort. Pray for them and aim your smiles at them for they need it the most.
With a strong foundation we can build anything on top of it. Over time things may “Fall off” but the foundation will be there waiting for you to rebuild. This is as true in a yoga practice as it is in life. Take your time and build from the earth up and reach for the stars!
Honor what does it mean? According to “Webster” it means: “A person of superior standing; A keen sense of ethical conduct; To live up to or fulfill the terms of commitment.” Add to this, keep your promises! Honor is also enjoying our “Rights” and always balancing it with “Responsibility”. Too many people want all sorts of rights but neglect their responsibility.
Always forgive. With forgiveness remember to forget after learning from the situation. To do this takes the rest of my favorite words courage, grace, love, gratefulness and hope!
Choose to enjoy the rest of the day!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Wow What a Weekend!!!!!

My family and friends spent the weekend at Letchworth State Park here in upstate New York camping in cabins. Everything was perfect, weather, company, conversation and the food! What a great feeling it is to get back to nature and to slow yourself down and consentrate on the things that are truly important in life - time with loved ones! Here are some photos enjoy!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Greece Summer of 2008
Monastery in northern Greece.
At a Chapel in the village.
This is my husband Michael's family in Greece.
Mike and I at his Aunt and Uncle's home. Michael's cousin's and us at the Monastery.
Sunday, October 12, 2008

In my last posting I spoke of trying to muster up the courage to give back to others or pay it forward. It is something I have been struggling with for sometime. At mass today I believe I had a break through. Today was the day that we renew our Stewardship at St. Joseph’s church. As I was signing up again for the things that I normally do, I had this thought – YOGA! Since I am a Yoga teacher I thought that I could use this talent to give to others that wouldn’t have a chance to take class. After mass I spoke to Father Jim and he thinks it may work. I will have to keep you all posted on this new journey and let you know how it unfolds. I believe my “LOVE” of yoga brought me to this point of extending myself to others.
Meanwhile the weather here in upstate NEW YORK has been spectacular! On Friday my niece Isabelle and I had fun creating art out of nature that we found in the neighborhood. We collaged with leaves, flowers, pea pods, seeds and branches onto wax paper then ironed it to create window art and book marks. They looked beautiful! And boy did we have fun.
Let me leave you with these words from Lydia M Child (1802-1880).
The cure for all the ills and wrongs, the cares, the sorrows and crimes of humanity, all lie in that one word "LOVE." It is the Divine Vitality that produces and restores life. To each and every one of us it gives the power of working miracles, if we will.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
There is so Much to Say but I Still Have to Vacuum so I'll Make it quick!
Welcome to my life! These past couple of days have been busy – and I know you all can relate to that!
Yesterday, after bringing my son to his soccer game I ran downtown to a yoga class that was held in a photography studio in a beautiful loft. The purpose of this particular class was to raise money for a friend/yoga teacher who will be going to Cambodia to help children in the orphanages there. Talk about extraordinary!
The energy in the studio was exciting and blissful at the same time. You just felt honored to be there and helping in this way! Such commitment, passion and selflessness is contagious! It makes us really think about all our own blessings and how to pay it forward! In my mind I keep thinking about my #7 from my “Chocolate” list from the other evening. “Bring your life to life, stop planning, start doing!” Strong and great words to live by yet a little scary too. I know I need to do something and I will, right now I am just working on mustering up the courage. All is coming I am sure! What do you think?
Anyway today – Thursday as you know is my public market day and today my friends Kathy A., Kathy D. and Cindy all came too! We had a great time! While I was there I ran into some of my preschool yoga students and how sweet they are! They just make you smile – you just can’t help yourself!!!!
As always the sights and sounds inspire me. Today the color was purple! Concord grapes with their wonderful fragrance stood out along with the shinny skins of the eggplants! The vendors were happy due to the fact it is beautiful out and not chilly like it was last week. What a great day and I think my friends will venture again with me on Thursday!
Well I must get the vacuuming done so I can play in the studio for a while before the kids come home and my “Mom’s Taxi Service” gears up to go to basketball practices and yoga class!
Choose to have an amazing day doing the ordinary things! “Count your blessings not your worries!” (Dove Chocolate saying – don’t you just love them!)
Yesterday, after bringing my son to his soccer game I ran downtown to a yoga class that was held in a photography studio in a beautiful loft. The purpose of this particular class was to raise money for a friend/yoga teacher who will be going to Cambodia to help children in the orphanages there. Talk about extraordinary!
The energy in the studio was exciting and blissful at the same time. You just felt honored to be there and helping in this way! Such commitment, passion and selflessness is contagious! It makes us really think about all our own blessings and how to pay it forward! In my mind I keep thinking about my #7 from my “Chocolate” list from the other evening. “Bring your life to life, stop planning, start doing!” Strong and great words to live by yet a little scary too. I know I need to do something and I will, right now I am just working on mustering up the courage. All is coming I am sure! What do you think?
Anyway today – Thursday as you know is my public market day and today my friends Kathy A., Kathy D. and Cindy all came too! We had a great time! While I was there I ran into some of my preschool yoga students and how sweet they are! They just make you smile – you just can’t help yourself!!!!
As always the sights and sounds inspire me. Today the color was purple! Concord grapes with their wonderful fragrance stood out along with the shinny skins of the eggplants! The vendors were happy due to the fact it is beautiful out and not chilly like it was last week. What a great day and I think my friends will venture again with me on Thursday!
Well I must get the vacuuming done so I can play in the studio for a while before the kids come home and my “Mom’s Taxi Service” gears up to go to basketball practices and yoga class!
Choose to have an amazing day doing the ordinary things! “Count your blessings not your worries!” (Dove Chocolate saying – don’t you just love them!)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
With every negative there is a positive. I love chocolate, chocolate in large quantities is fattening. Eating Dove chocolate is inspiring and fattening! It makes me happy while eating and sad when it is all gone. See positive and negative!
You are probably wondering, “Where is Joan today?” Well I am enjoying my Dove chocolate, feeling the results of the sugar and reading the messages inside the wrappers, which is inspiring a new body of work for my “Treasured Lockets”. Below is a list of some new phrases that I am capturing in my art and will be unveiling in the next couple of weeks.
So sit back, grab a bag of chocolates and enjoy!
1. You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
2. Slow down and enjoy what you have.
3. Create peace for yourself.
4. True love lasts forever!
5. Break the mold and be extraordinary
6. Success is the sum of many small efforts.
7. Bring your life to life, stop planning, start doing!
You are probably wondering, “Where is Joan today?” Well I am enjoying my Dove chocolate, feeling the results of the sugar and reading the messages inside the wrappers, which is inspiring a new body of work for my “Treasured Lockets”. Below is a list of some new phrases that I am capturing in my art and will be unveiling in the next couple of weeks.
So sit back, grab a bag of chocolates and enjoy!
1. You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
2. Slow down and enjoy what you have.
3. Create peace for yourself.
4. True love lasts forever!
5. Break the mold and be extraordinary
6. Success is the sum of many small efforts.
7. Bring your life to life, stop planning, start doing!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Treasured Lockets

All of the handwriting is my grandma’s from letters written to my mom in the 1960’s. I have often been asked “How could you part with these letters?” My answer is simple. These letters express love and they are better shared and passed forward than collecting dust, hidden in a box somewhere. I guess when push comes to shove I just want to pass this good karma forward!
These lockets are created with great care and love. I start by letting my energy flow over boxes of material. Some boxes include antiqued photographs, other boxes include handwritten letters and other vintage material including old books, maps, silk, ribbon, paper and stamps. I then focus on what I want to say and build the original collage around that theme.
Next I fit the original artwork between cut flat glass, however I do use beveled glass from time to time. I wrap the charm with copper tape and then solder using lead free silver solder. Jump rings are added at this time too. The charm is ready for polishing and assembly.

Come and visit my etsy site to view these lockets and to read about the fun ingredients that goes into them. I would love any feed back you have to give.
Note: I do accept custom orders for "Treasured Lockets." They do make a great gift!
Thank you for stopping by!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Where does the word yoga come from?
Where does the word yoga come from? The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yui meaning “yoke” or “union”. Yoga is the practice of uniting mind, body and spirit to achieve balance. This is accomplished through meditation and physical practices. There are many forms of Hatha Yoga.
Here is a very short list of some that are popular here in the States:“Ashtanga” – heat building sequences also referred to as “Power Yoga” and can be compared to “Vinyasa” yoga which links poses together;“Kundalini” focuses on energy through out the body, using deep rhythmic breathing, and chanting;“Iyengar” which concentrates on alignment and relies heavily on props is wonderful when just learning the poses and if you have back problems;“Bikram” which is a series of the same 26 poses done in a very hot room also referred to as “Hot Yoga”, must be in very good condition and bring water and towel to class.
Here is a very short list of some that are popular here in the States:“Ashtanga” – heat building sequences also referred to as “Power Yoga” and can be compared to “Vinyasa” yoga which links poses together;“Kundalini” focuses on energy through out the body, using deep rhythmic breathing, and chanting;“Iyengar” which concentrates on alignment and relies heavily on props is wonderful when just learning the poses and if you have back problems;“Bikram” which is a series of the same 26 poses done in a very hot room also referred to as “Hot Yoga”, must be in very good condition and bring water and towel to class.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Books, I just love books!
Books, I just love books! When I go in to Barns and Noble I feel like a kid in a candy shop! I could stay there all day with a cup of tea or cafĂ© latte and just read (especially on days when it is raining out). The latest book I read was suggested to me by my dear friend Sue. She believes all women lucky enough to live in the USA should read this book and I totally agree!!!!! The book is “A Thousand Splendid Suns”. There are graphic moments in this book but there are also happy moments too. Most importantly this book helped me understand freedom and to truly be grateful for it. Just walking down the street has new meaning for me. I hope if you read this book you will feel this way too. We are blessed!
My next book I want to read is “Growing a Positive Mind” by Bill Larkin. This book was recommended to me by a master yoga trainer over this past weekend. The activities from this book that we participated in were eye opening and amazing. Start creating lists. Not of things that need to get done, start by listing things that make you sad. I know that sounds strange but when completed look at it and then rip it up and let it go! Truly let it go and be done with those feelings. Once that step is done start listing everything you are grateful for, this list will continue to grow if we really focus on the positive things in our lives! Keep that list going, read it everyday and hold it close to your heart. This will make us appreciate life and keep us in the moment! Think about it, you will be glad you did it!
Last but not least when it comes to books I love to lend them. In order to get them back to lend to someone else, I have just ordered book plates from an artist on ETSY. See Jaimee’s site especially if you like vintage designs. The book plates are printed on adhesive paper! I can’t wait to get them!
Remember to aim you smiles, especially to those who seem grumpy – they need it the most!
My next book I want to read is “Growing a Positive Mind” by Bill Larkin. This book was recommended to me by a master yoga trainer over this past weekend. The activities from this book that we participated in were eye opening and amazing. Start creating lists. Not of things that need to get done, start by listing things that make you sad. I know that sounds strange but when completed look at it and then rip it up and let it go! Truly let it go and be done with those feelings. Once that step is done start listing everything you are grateful for, this list will continue to grow if we really focus on the positive things in our lives! Keep that list going, read it everyday and hold it close to your heart. This will make us appreciate life and keep us in the moment! Think about it, you will be glad you did it!
Last but not least when it comes to books I love to lend them. In order to get them back to lend to someone else, I have just ordered book plates from an artist on ETSY. See Jaimee’s site especially if you like vintage designs. The book plates are printed on adhesive paper! I can’t wait to get them!
Remember to aim you smiles, especially to those who seem grumpy – they need it the most!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Home Sweet Home!!!
I just spent the most exhilarating 5 days in Florida attending a Mind Body Conference which is part of my journey towards my 500 hour RYT Certification. Currently I am an RYT at the 200 hour level. I was lucky enough to meet the most amazing group of like minds individual that added so much to my personal experience while I was there. I am looking forward to bringing this knowledge forward to those I meet in class and in life in general.
With all that said I am thrilled to be home! Home Sweet Home! I feel open, excited, encouraged, hopeful and positive. I am putting all that I learned into action already and it feels great!
Always remember we have choices. So let’s make our choices mindfully that will effect us and those around us positively. Once we get into this habit, our own happiness will be multiplied. Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and leave the rest to God!
When down or blue put the music on, turn up the volume and dance as if no one is watching – life is short, chose to be happy!
Life is Good!Namaste.
With all that said I am thrilled to be home! Home Sweet Home! I feel open, excited, encouraged, hopeful and positive. I am putting all that I learned into action already and it feels great!
Always remember we have choices. So let’s make our choices mindfully that will effect us and those around us positively. Once we get into this habit, our own happiness will be multiplied. Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and leave the rest to God!
When down or blue put the music on, turn up the volume and dance as if no one is watching – life is short, chose to be happy!
Life is Good!Namaste.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A Favorite Reading From Yoga Class
Namchee Bazaar
“The Invitation by Orion Mountain Dreamer” Copyright 1995
This reading was passed to me by my friend and yoga teacher Mary who teaches at “Breath” in Rochester, NY.
“It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your hearts longing.
It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams or for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your sorrow. If you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and close from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it. I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own.
It doesn’t interest me if the story you’re telling is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself, if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. I want to know if you can be faithful and trustworthy. I want to know if you can see beauty even when it is not there everyday. I want to know if you can live with failure, mine or your own and still shout “Yes I am alive!”
It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after a night of grief and despair and do what needs to be done for someone you love.
It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself, and truly like the company you keep in the empty moments of your life and still remember me….”
I hope you enjoyed this reading as much as I do! Have a wonderful evening. I will be away at a yoga conference until next week. I will write more then!
“The Invitation by Orion Mountain Dreamer” Copyright 1995
This reading was passed to me by my friend and yoga teacher Mary who teaches at “Breath” in Rochester, NY.
“It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your hearts longing.
It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams or for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your sorrow. If you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and close from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it. I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own.
It doesn’t interest me if the story you’re telling is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself, if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. I want to know if you can be faithful and trustworthy. I want to know if you can see beauty even when it is not there everyday. I want to know if you can live with failure, mine or your own and still shout “Yes I am alive!”
It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after a night of grief and despair and do what needs to be done for someone you love.
It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself, and truly like the company you keep in the empty moments of your life and still remember me….”
I hope you enjoyed this reading as much as I do! Have a wonderful evening. I will be away at a yoga conference until next week. I will write more then!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Opps! My Computer is Acting Like a Rabbit!
Hello! I hope you are all having a great Sunday hanging out and relaxing! Right now I am baking cookies and waiting for the timer to go off and thought I would take this moment to let you all know my computer is sending out repeat messages. I believe each time I have sent one email it mysteriously multiplies to 15 of the same email (I believe my computer is turning into a rabbit!). I have had the computer checked and was told it is not a virus however they are not sure why it is doing that. So let me apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing and to tell you to keep your fingers crossed and it should be fixed earlier this week!
Let me leave you with this thought:
“May you have the joy that is due you. May the years be gracious to you. May blue sky smile above you. And through all your days God love you!” - An old Irish blessing.
Timer just went off and my Chocolate Chip Cookies are done and smell awesome! Yeah!
Let me leave you with this thought:
“May you have the joy that is due you. May the years be gracious to you. May blue sky smile above you. And through all your days God love you!” - An old Irish blessing.
Timer just went off and my Chocolate Chip Cookies are done and smell awesome! Yeah!
Friday, September 19, 2008
I Love Fridays!
Welcome! TGIF!! Once again the weather in upstate New York is fantastic! The leaves are starting to change as if kissed with color overnight, quite beautiful I assure you. Anyway I have lots to mention, so best get on with it.
As you may know “Breast Cancer” awareness is the month of October. I am donating a piece of jewelry once again to the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester, NY to be auctioned during "The 7th Annual Artrageous Affair". The necklace I am donating is called “Heaven’s Rainbow”. The idea was originally conceived during my mother’s funeral in December of 2006 when the most beautiful rainbow appeared in the winter sky, comforting us all. (My mom passed away from Leukemia.) This necklace is a combination of pearls, gemstones, leather, a 1945 mercury dime and fine silver cross, dream tag. The event is on Saturday October 18th, 2008 at the Rochester Plaza Hotel. For more information call 585-473-8177. *See photo.
Here is another thought from Randy Pausch’s “The Last Lecture”, chapter 54 “Be a Communitarian” page 175. “We’ve placed a lot of emphasis in this country on the idea of people’s rights. That’s how it should be, but it makes no sense to talk about rights without also talking about responsibilities.” In our book club last night this started great conversations among Lauren, Sue and Cindy great friends and inspiring ladies! I hope it creates great conversation among your friends too.
As we venture into autumn my posting will include inspirational thoughts and ideas to share with others. Enjoy your weekend and remember “Life is Good!”
As you may know “Breast Cancer” awareness is the month of October. I am donating a piece of jewelry once again to the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester, NY to be auctioned during "The 7th Annual Artrageous Affair". The necklace I am donating is called “Heaven’s Rainbow”. The idea was originally conceived during my mother’s funeral in December of 2006 when the most beautiful rainbow appeared in the winter sky, comforting us all. (My mom passed away from Leukemia.) This necklace is a combination of pearls, gemstones, leather, a 1945 mercury dime and fine silver cross, dream tag. The event is on Saturday October 18th, 2008 at the Rochester Plaza Hotel. For more information call 585-473-8177. *See photo.
Here is another thought from Randy Pausch’s “The Last Lecture”, chapter 54 “Be a Communitarian” page 175. “We’ve placed a lot of emphasis in this country on the idea of people’s rights. That’s how it should be, but it makes no sense to talk about rights without also talking about responsibilities.” In our book club last night this started great conversations among Lauren, Sue and Cindy great friends and inspiring ladies! I hope it creates great conversation among your friends too.
As we venture into autumn my posting will include inspirational thoughts and ideas to share with others. Enjoy your weekend and remember “Life is Good!”
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My First Posting - Welcome!
Welcome to my blog! This is very exciting for me since I always wanted to create a blog to stay in touch with family, friends, my yoga students and customers. This blog will report the happenings in my life both personal and professional. My hope is while sharing my thoughts and art with you all, you will feel free to respond and we’ll create a network of friends interested in the same things.
Let me start by saying today is beautiful. The sun is shining here in upstate New York and the temp. is 64 degrees. Talk about a perfect day. I started it out by getting the kids on the bus, and walking Charlie. Then I went downtown to the Public Market - my favorite thing to do on Thursday mornings. At the Public Market not only do I get my fresh fruits, vegetables, breads and coffee but inspiration to boot by the sights and sounds. The color today was bright red, red sweet peppers, tomatoes and mums. The tomatoes looks so amazing I purchased 10 pounds so I could make my famous (to my family) tomato sauce laced with fresh basil puree! Talk about inspiration!
Once home I decided that before I start creating my sauce (which is used for pasta, pizza and soup), I would create my blog since it has been a goal of mine. I am still learning so please be patient with me. Soon I will be adding links to favorite blog sites, my etsy site and other sites I believe have value.
This evening my friends and I will be reviewing the book – “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch, which I thought was fabulous! Reading chapter 11 Page 51 really helped me recognize that if something doesn’t go your way right a way step back and examine how badly do you really want it. “The brick walls are there for a reason. They’re not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.” For me this spoke volumes to me professionally as I have been searching for boutiques to sell my jewelry nation wide and realizing “all is coming with patience and perseverance.”
I will write at least once a week and perhaps more to start out with so I can get the feeling and knowledge of blogging. I look forward to hearing from you. Please pass this blog address a long to anyone you believe needs a little sunshine in their lives!
Let me start by saying today is beautiful. The sun is shining here in upstate New York and the temp. is 64 degrees. Talk about a perfect day. I started it out by getting the kids on the bus, and walking Charlie. Then I went downtown to the Public Market - my favorite thing to do on Thursday mornings. At the Public Market not only do I get my fresh fruits, vegetables, breads and coffee but inspiration to boot by the sights and sounds. The color today was bright red, red sweet peppers, tomatoes and mums. The tomatoes looks so amazing I purchased 10 pounds so I could make my famous (to my family) tomato sauce laced with fresh basil puree! Talk about inspiration!
Once home I decided that before I start creating my sauce (which is used for pasta, pizza and soup), I would create my blog since it has been a goal of mine. I am still learning so please be patient with me. Soon I will be adding links to favorite blog sites, my etsy site and other sites I believe have value.
This evening my friends and I will be reviewing the book – “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch, which I thought was fabulous! Reading chapter 11 Page 51 really helped me recognize that if something doesn’t go your way right a way step back and examine how badly do you really want it. “The brick walls are there for a reason. They’re not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.” For me this spoke volumes to me professionally as I have been searching for boutiques to sell my jewelry nation wide and realizing “all is coming with patience and perseverance.”
I will write at least once a week and perhaps more to start out with so I can get the feeling and knowledge of blogging. I look forward to hearing from you. Please pass this blog address a long to anyone you believe needs a little sunshine in their lives!
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